I dream of Spring. Well, really, I dream of summer. Scorching heat. Brilliant blue skies. Long days. Amazing sunsets. I'm a summer girl. Everything about summer just feels...vibrant, awake, healthier, warmer, more glowy. But, spring is the prologue to summer, and beautiful in it's own right. Rainstorms, flowers, moist earth...and seedlings.

Fresh, green, tender, delicate, tenacious, bursting with life seedlings.

I love them.
When we were at the store the other day, they had all the spring planting supplies and seed packets out. Husband, sweet as he is, suggested we get some basil. I had wanted to get some last summer to grow in my kitchen, but we missed out. So we bought this cute, little, cobalt, kitchen herb kit
and I sowed my seeds and have been watering faithfully.
And they're starting to sprout!
Well, one is. The thyme.
The kit came with basil, rosemary, and thyme.
I'm uber excited about the basil and rosemary.

I love those herbs and use them all the time, and am looking forward to having them fresh on hand! But the thyme...well, I only use it occasionally. So I guess I'll have to research recipes with thyme in them. Suggestions anyone?