So when I was a little girl we used to go to Colorado every summer. On the way home we would always stop at a roadside stand and buy boxes of the best peaches you'll ever find. They were soo good. I was just in CO and we looked for these stands, but sadly there were none to be found. I don't know if we took a different route, or if it was too early, but either way, I remain Colorado Peaches-less. But, I still decided to make this yummy Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce, even though I had to use inferior fruit. And my, was it ever yummy. I can only imagine how delicious it would have been with my Colorado peaches in it...
I was actually making this for the church lunch tomorrow, but it looked so yummy I had to make a small one for us tonight.
I also made Hot and Sweet Drumsticks to bake tomorrow, so we'll see how those turn out. I had to buy apricot jam because my stock of homemade is down to 2 1/2 jars. The frost came too late this year and froze out all five of my beautiful trees. I just hope next year's crop is better!
And this little cherub is my darling nephew with, yes, peaches all over his face..
I must apologize for the lack of quality in the photos. I'm saving up for a Nikon D60, which will hopefully make my photography vastly more amazing. Unfortunately this process is hampered by the need for things like hot water heaters and plumbing. We're hoping to have saved up enough by December that it can be our Christmas present, but we'll see. Until then I'm still having fun with our old Kodak point and shoot.
Today's cooking play list included:
Gotta Have You by the Weepies
Lemonade by Chris Rice
and Dream a Little Dream of Me by Michael Buble'
I guess I was feeling romantic : )
i totally just made those hot and sweet drumsticks recently, too, except that i used some chicken tenders we had lying around, instead. not such a good idea. i think the skin was kind of necessary. :-S